Monday 27 December 2021

Tales from Titan: Nemesis Dread Knight

 Welcome back to the Vault! I hope you've all had a great Christmas and been good enough for Santa to bring you some gaming and hobby goodies! I've been given a copy of the Stargrave rules which I'm keen to read through, but before then I have a game of 40K planned for later this week.

I will be bringing my Grey Knights who will be getting their first game with the new codex! I'm still procrastinating over army choices, but I think I'll be bringing a bit of everything to try a variety of units and stratagems from the Codex.

I've also finished the third Nemesis Dread Knight, so he will be able to take to the table top resplendent in  his shiny new paint job!

Monday 20 December 2021

Tales from Titan: Nemesis Dread Knight Work In Progress

 Welcome back to the Vault! I've really struggled to fit in any meaningful hobby and gaming time over the last couple of weeks. In part this has been due the inevitable rush in the run up to Christmas, but I've also been feeling a bit off-game thanks to my booster jab.

However I'm on holiday now; I intend to get some painting and playing in over the next couple of weeks! 

I have started slapping paint onto a Nemesis Dread Knight. At this point the base colours and washes are pretty much done. 

Sunday 5 December 2021

Pestilential Painting: The Doctor will see you now

Welcome back to the Vectorium! I've had a couple of productive hobby sessions this week; first up I've completed the Death Guard Plague Surgeon.

Sunday 28 November 2021

Pestilential Painting: Plague Surgeon Work In Progress

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! This week has passed in a blur, but I have managed to squeeze a brief painting session in. I'm working on a Death Guard Plague Surgeon, which has been a lot of fun to paint.

The model is a great juxtaposition to the normal Plague Marines as he's relatively "uncorrupt"; presumably due to his medical skills! Here's a few pictures of the painting so far.

Sunday 21 November 2021

Pestilential Painting: Morslug

 Welcome back to the Vectorium!  I received an invitation to play Kill Team (2018) at First Founding with Neil and Kanan, so I decided to bring along the Death Guard. I like to use a gaming event as an excuse to paint a model or two if possible, and so this was the perfect opportunity for a new Plague Marine to join the roster.

 I've had the Series 3 Heroes in the pile of opportunity for a while, so these were the ideal candidates to choose from. I have plenty of shooty and choppy Plague Marines painted, but none with the infamous poo cannons; so the mighty Morslug was selected for duty!

Sunday 14 November 2021

Pestilential Painting: Send in the Drones

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! Like a lot of hobbyists I have a list of projects, and a vague plan/painting order in which I want to complete them. For example I've got a unit of Deathshroud Terminators all primed which will take my Death Guard to 2000 points, and a whole bunch of Dark Eldar Coven models for the Hero Forge Challenge.

But some days you just need to say screw it, and see where the hobby butterfly takes you! I really enjoy painting the Death Guard Daemon Engines, and so the recent painting sessions have been spent on another Foetid Bloat Drone.

Sunday 31 October 2021

Power from Paint: Cronos Parasite Engine

 Welcome back to the Web Way! I've had another productive painting session this weekend and bar basing, completed the Cronos Parasite Engine; a fittingly creepy unit for Halloween!

Monday 25 October 2021

The Hero Forge: A Haemonculus Awakens

 Welcome back to the Webway! With Octoberfest now behind me it's time to work on some new projects. I've been building some Necron models from the Indomitus box and the various kits arriving with the Imperium magazine, but really decided I needed to knuckle down and begin on The Hero Forge challenge.

As I've mentioned previously this is build/paint challenge that a number of the First Founding members are participating in; it involves creating a new Warlord model, complete with fluff, chosen relic/warlord trait, etc. and then a 1000 point supporting force.

I'm using this as an opportunity to work on a back log of Dark Eldar Coven models. First up is the erstwhile leader: a Haeomonculus.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Octoberfest 2021 After Action Report

 Welcome back to the Vault! Last weekend saw the return of Octoberfest; First Founding's annual autumn 40K tournament. This was the first club 40K event post lockdown, and 28 eager gamers turned up at the hall keen to move models and roll dice.

I piloted my Death Guard Highlander list in a series of three games; all Chapter Approved Missions, but with a twist that each player had to take the (usually optional) mission specific secondary objectives.

I remembered my models, dice, rules and all the gaming gubbins, but forgot my phone! Luckily Duncan had his camera in the car and let me use it to take a some pictures during the day. How did I get on? Well let's see if the Tallyman kept notes...

Tuesday 5 October 2021

Octoberfest 2021 Analysis and Predictions

 Welcome back to the Vault! First Founding's annual autumnal 40K tournament will soon be here, and has become something of a tradition it's time for me to indulge in some amateur punditry and pretend I know something about the state of 40K.

We have 28 players with 27 having turned in their army lists. Their factions have been published on the events page so lets see who's turning up.

Sunday 3 October 2021

Pestilential Painting: The Inexorable Advance

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! Today is list submission day for First Founding's Octoberfest Tournament and I've dutifully sent in my selections. I've made a few amendments from the list I've been playing recently, which will give me a few more options, and shows off more of the variety of units of been playing.

The force is definitely *not* cut throat meta in terms of selections, but does contain a lot of models I've enjoyed painting. It's a bit of a Highlander force as well; every unit is a one-off apart from two units of Plague Marines.

So who is going be waging war?

Sunday 26 September 2021

The Hero Forge: A 40K Hobby Challenge

 Welcome back to the Vault! It's time for the next hobby challenge! It was about this time last year that I participated in the Tale of Four Santas project, and we thought it would be fun to get another project going over the autumn and winter months.

This 40K challenge is entitled "The Hero Forge" and comes in two parts.

Sunday 19 September 2021

Pestilential Painting: Blight Haulers

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! I've been struggling with a horrible cold this week (thanks Papa Nurgle), but have recovered well enough to slap some paint on a model. In my push to reach 2000 points of painted Death Guard I wanted to add another Daemon Engine, and given how happy I've been with Stuart the Blight Hauler's performance I thought he deserved a playmate.

Meet Frank aka Ol' Blue Eye.

Sunday 12 September 2021

Pestilential Painting: Spreading the Sickness

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! Octoberfest is approaching fast and the Death Guard are mustering for war! I thought it would be fun to create some themed Objective Markers to use at the event. The Death Guard have a secondary objective called "Spread the Sickness" which thematically involves corrupting objectives so what could be more appropriate than some pools of filth and nurgley grossness! 

First up are the chewed up remains of an Emperor's Spear and some sort of larva emerging from the pool having feasted upon the yummy marine bits nearby.

Yes Dave. I went there.

Sunday 5 September 2021

Pestilential Painting: Poxwalkers

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! I've taken advantage of my weeks holiday to paint up the next unit for the Death Guard; a batch of Poxwalkers. I have to confess I was not looking forward to painting these but I actually found the process enjoyable. 

Painting the models allowed me to examine the sculpts in more detail and they've grown on me (like a Nurgley rash); there's quite a lot of character to them, and not an overly insane amount of detail for what is ultimately a chaff unit.

Sunday 29 August 2021

Pestilential Painting: Blightlord Terminators

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! Today's post celebrates another Death Guard milestone as I've now painted over 1500 points with the latest addition of a unit of Blightlord Terminators. Observant readers may have noticed them in the Warhammer World report, where they appeared in an unfinished state, but I've not got completed the last elements (helms and bases).

First up is the Plague Champion, armed with Combi Bolter and Axe.

Sunday 22 August 2021

Warhammer World Road Trip

Welcome back to the Vault! Last week I joined a band of my fellow 40K enthusiasts from First Founding embarked on a grand adventure to Warhammer World. For the uninformed Warhammer World is basically Euro Disney for 40kers and Sigmarites but with less Roller Coasters and more opportunities to acquire more plastic crack.

I joke! Warhammer World is a large visitors centre attached to GW HQ in Nottingham. There's a fantastic exhibition hall covering a gamut of wonderfully painted models and fantastic dioramas, a hall (with free to use) gaming tables, great food and beer on offer at Bugman's Bar, and a large store.

I spent a good hour and a half perusing the exhibition. Highlights for me were the Rohan Village, and the Horus Heresy-era Thousand Sons collection. The latter were painted in a very sharp metallic red, which I think is Flesh Tearer's contrast over a silver base so I think I'll have to give that a go at some point!

I also enjoyed the quick precis of GW's roots with the classic RPG minis. This display tickled my fancy as I've posted about the elementals (in the background) before. They are still some of my all time favourite models.

Saturday 14 August 2021

Pestilential Painting: Infected Rhino Transport

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! Today's post is both early and short! I'm off to Warhammer World tomorrow with some of the First Founding 40Kers, and we are making a full day of it. I'm taking along the Death Guard as we've got a table booked for a multiplayer game, and we'll still have plenty of time to visit the Exhibition Hall, go impulse shopping in the store, and eat lunch in Bugmans!

I have a couple of units on the hobby desk at the moment; a unit of Blight Lord Terminators are almost complete and I've started a second Rhino Transport. In true Death Guard fashion I've been modifying the stock Rhino kit to show Papa Nurgle's blessings.

Sunday 8 August 2021

Pestilential Painting: Secondary Objectives

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! This weekend I've played my third(!) game with the Death Guard, this time against James's Death Watch Space Marines. I'm starting to get to grips with the Death Guard rules, and I'm now thinking about how Secondary Objectives affect my army.

Secondary Objectives are a great addition to the 9th edition missions; each game you pick 3 secondaries from a list and you can score up to 15 Victory Points in each. However! (Of course there's a However) Not every Secondary is suitable for every army, and every opponent. I thought it would be useful to go through the list of Secondaries, and how useful they are for my 1K list.

Sunday 1 August 2021

Pestilential Painting: Dark Cravings

Welcome back to the Vectorium! I've had a great weekend of gaming and hobby related fun; D&D on Friday night, followed by a game of 40K on Saturday. I enjoyed the game so much it inspired me to paint another unit for the Death Guard; a fearsome Bloat Drone.

Dave's Emperors Spears faced off against the Death Guard in a 1500 point game. The marines deployed an all infantry force (which greatly outnumbered Nurgle's warriors) whilst I supplemented my 1000 point list with some additional units I wanted to try out: 

  • Tallyman
  • Foul Blightspawn
  • 5 Blight Lord Terminators
  • Bloat Drone with Flesh Mower  
Oh my goodness the Bloat Drone is amazing; munching his way way through a Combat Squad of Incursors before heading off to debuff a unit of Intercessors with Contagion to aid long range shooting.

In fact I enjoyed mowing Marines down so much it motivated me so much I decided to get the Drone painted in a single session!  

Sunday 25 July 2021

Pestilential Painting: The Death Guard hit the table!

Welcome back to the Vectorium and what a week its been! First Founding re-opened on Friday and the I jumped at the opportunity to bring the Death Guard out to play. New recruit VC Firefly brought along Raven Guard successors and we passed an enjoyable few hours acquainting ourselves with the 9th edition rules.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Creeper Ooze

Welcome back to the Vault. Today I'm seeking shade within the nooks and crannies of the Vault as the temperature is a lovely 30℃ outside, so suffice it to say my post will be brief.

Regular readers will know I'm a fan of Krakon Games range of miniatures; they are quirky and have a unique charm about them, as shown in the Twisted Fungi. They are great fun to paint, and I've recently completed a Creeper Ooze.

Sunday 11 July 2021

Pestilential Painting: The Tallyman

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! This week's hobby time has been spent on painting another addition to my growing Plague Marine force in the form of The Tallyman. He's another of the elite Foetid Virion support characters, providing buffs for the infantry units and potentially generating those lovely lovely Command Points.

Sunday 4 July 2021

Fixing the Vindicare

Welcome back to the Vault! I'll admit today's post is a bit of a click-baity title; I don't mean fixing the Vindicare's rules in any way, I literally mean repairing my broken Vindicare model.

My Sniper model is one of the old school metal models, and it had an unfortunate episode some time ago where it fell off a shelf onto the floor. It's arm with the rifle broke off, and the material fixed to the base was damaged. Here's a picture of the original pre-"incident".

Sunday 27 June 2021

Looking forward to social contact!

 Welcome back to the Vault my fellow Venturers! Every so often I like to take a step back from sharing the pictures of the minis I've been painting, and sharing cool stories from the games I've played to reflect on why we engage in these hobbies.

I had the great fortune to spend some time with Dave G over the weekend, and we caught up on all things 40K related, our latest painting projects and what we are looking forward to in the future. We are scheduling a game of 40K (the first table top outing for my Death Guard), and really looking forward to the opening of First Founding when lockdown finally buggers off.

Sunday 13 June 2021

Regimental Reporting: Lord Castellan Creed

 Welcome back to the Vault! Today's post is another "show and tell" as I've completed another 40K model. One of the joys of collecting a 40K force from one of the established factions in the lore is that many of them have "Special Characters"; the heroes and villains who participate in the myriad background stories that you can have join your models in the table top. There's also great satisfaction in generating your own characters as well of course (Colonel Staysback of the Cadian 82nd is widely regarded as one of the greatest if not the greatest heroes of the Imperium within my play group. Ahem.)

In fact Colonel Staysback reputation is so amazing that Lord Castellan Creed has decided to go on campaign with the 82nd to see what he can learn from the Colonel.

Sunday 6 June 2021

Twisted Fungi

 Welcome back to the Vault! I've had a wonderful few days of holiday, and I've indulged in some painting sessions. I mentioned in the last painting post that I wanted to work on some non-Death Guard models as I've got a bit jaded painting gold trim and grunge! 

So first of the mini projects is the Twisted Fungi collection from Krakon Games. I'm a big fan of the quirky Krakon models, having backed a few of their Kickstarters (I selected these fun guys from the Sidhe/forest creatures project).

Friday 4 June 2021

Circle of Wildfire Guide

Welcome back to the Vault! I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I am currently playing a Circle of Wildfire Druid in a weekly Dungeons and Dragons 5E campaign, and I thought it would be fun to write a guide as to why and how I’m playing the character (primarily from a rules/mechanics point of view). I’m by no means stating this is the only way, or best way to play the spec, but rather how I’m using the options available to me.

I’m also not going to debate the merits of the Circle compared to the other Druid subclasses available; there are some good guides out there, and I’m assuming you are comfortable with the decision to play Wildfire. I’m also not getting into the whole “Unearthed Arcana version” vs “Tasha version” debate; Tasha’s is what we have as the final published version, and there’s no point crying over spilt milk.

Thematically a Wildfire Druid understands the natural cycle whereby destruction can be the precursor of creation; a forest fire can destroy existing vegetation yet also promotes later growth. This idea sits well with my character, Immerel, who having seen his previous home destroyed is now contemplating the health of the land in a more holistic manner (I’ve taken the option to re-spec from Circle of the Land to Circle of Wildfire).

Sunday 30 May 2021

Pestilential Painting: Noxious Blightbringer complete!

Welcome back to the Vectorium and hold onto your hats everyone; I've finished painting a model! The Noxious Blightbringer which has been on the painting desk for the last few weeks has been completed, and I'm pretty happy with the results. Let's take a look!

Sunday 23 May 2021

Pestilential Painting: Foetid Bloat Drones

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! The crappy weather over the weekend gave me the opportunity to indulge in a leisurely hobby session. Sensible Varchilde should have put paint onto some of the Death Guard models, but the hobby butterfly alighted on my shoulder and I decided to build some more models to add to the painting back log instead!

Thus the addition of two Foetid Bloat Drones to reinforce the original Drone from the Dark Imperium box set. The first of the Daemon Engines is armed with the ridiculously named Flesh Mower.

Sunday 16 May 2021

Mind Games

 Welcome back to the Vault! Hobby time has been incredibly limited this week, bar the very welcome Friday night D&D shenanigans of Immerel and company. (High level adventurers we may be, but it looks like we've been duped. Again. At least it wasn't by a group of giant monkeys like last time, so that's good I guess.)

I keep a notebook where I can scribble down hobby and gaming ideas; occasionally the muse will strike, and if I don't note it then inevitably I'll forget it. Currently I'm trying to come up with some 5th edition character concepts which may eventually get elaborated into fully fleshed PCs. The aim is to sketch out a character per class, so if the opportunity comes up to play something I've got a head start on what I'd like to try out.

Sunday 9 May 2021

Really Useful Model Storage

 Welcome back to the Vault! Saturday's planned activities (not gaming related) were cancelled due to the ridiculous amount of rain that fell from the sky, but there were some definite hobby-related silver linings in those overlying clouds!

I picked up a paint brush for the first time in what must be weeks, and started laying down the base colours onto the Noxious Blightbringer, aka THE BELL MAN; when I've made some more progress I'll share some pictures.

The family also had a trip to the local DIY store. I do like a visit to the local Wickes or B&Q not because I enjoy all those jobs around the house (I don't, I'd rather be painting Plague Marines than walls), but because you can find hobby/modelling related bobbins. 

I wanted to pick up some more storage boxes for the ever growing model collection to replace tatty old cardboard boxes. I have a number of good quality figure cases with foam for transporting armies to events, but that's an expensive way to store everything. And so I tend to store a lot of models in cheaper (but still robust) containers, and swap around the contents of the figure cases when I am going to the club for example.

My preferred brand are the Really Useful Boxes; these come in a variety of sizes, and some are more useful than others for our purposes!

Monday 3 May 2021

Big Guns Never Re-Tire

 Welcome back to the Vault! Regular readers will know that the most common posts here tend to be pics and words of the latest gaming model I'm painting, be it a Plague Marine, monster for D&D, terrain or whatever. For today's post I thought it would be fun to revisit one of my first ever Warhammer 40,000 projects; the Vindicator tanks which formed the backbone of my Lightbringer Space Marines army lists waaaaay back in 4th edition.

Sunday 25 April 2021

The Bard Stones Part Two

 Welcome back to the Vault! In today's post I'm going to expand on the previous Bard Stones post, again inspired by my friend Chris's blog. We've homebrewed a spell and set of rules for allowing Bards to enchant crystals to store Inspiration dice, so it seems appropriate that there's a poem to help aspiring Bards remember the properties of the various gemstones. Perhaps this verse is the Verbal Component for the Stone Singing spell?

"Lapis blue and turquoise healing,
Amethyst and quartz revealing,
Onyx black will keep from harm,
Hematite to ground the charm,
Quartz of rose for friends and love,
Moonstone is The Lady up above.
Malachite will bring you wealth,
Bloodstone, Agate, Jade for health.
Jet and Amber our delight,
As we meet in darkest night,
Stones of Earth, stones of power,
Serve us in this magick hour…"

Sunday 18 April 2021

Pestilential Painting: The Foetid Virion Part One

 Welcome back to the Vectorium once more! Today's post will be fairly brief as I have to confess the lure of lighter evenings and sunny days has kept me outside and away from playing games (bar the weekly D&D) and the painting desk.

I have taken the opportunity to prime the next set of Death Guard models; a set of Elite Characters which can be fielded collectively on the tabletop as the Foetid Virion. (This suitably nurgley-gothicy term simply means a Death Guard force can field up to 3 such characters in a single elite choice provided each is unique).

First up is the Tallyman.

Sunday 11 April 2021

Pestiliential Painting: The Third Outbreak

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! Another couple of fruitful painting sessions has resulted in the completion of my third squad of Plague Marines. OK, the basing remains outstanding but long term readers will know I tend to batch my bases up over a few units any way!

This is a great milestone as it means I've now completed a Battalion. That means less in 9th edition compared to previous versions, but psychologically it's an achievement; I've got 2 HQ choices, 3 Troop choices plus sundry other units so know I can spin off in all sorts of directions. 

This is my fighty squad, led by a Plague Champion rocking a Power Fist.

Monday 5 April 2021

Bard Stones

 Welcome back to the Vault! I've been spending some hobby time painting base colours onto another Death Guard unit and I'm pretty sure you don't want to see *more* pictures of half finished 40k models, so today's post is something different.

My friend Chris has been posting some articles about various properties associated with different gemstones. I've been on a bit of a D&D campaign planning kick recently and the articles got me thinking about incorporating some of this information into D&D.

Gemstones have long established associations with magic in table top RPGs:

  • As expensive components (e.g. diamonds and pearls) for powerful spells in D&D
  • To power and store magic (Power Crystals and True Stone) in Runequest
These gemstones are rare and/or expensive (no doubt because of such uses!) and I'd like to explore something more "every day" that makes use of more accessible stones and crystals. By making the material more common place it helps build flavour into a campaign setting, but also gives those boring "semi-precious stones" worth X gold which turn up in loot piles much more interest. So let's get cracking!

Sunday 21 March 2021

Wildfire Spirit

 Welcome back to the Vault once again! This week's hobby time has been split between playing the regular D&D game and some painting. I've started work on the next squad of Plague Marines, but was also inspired by the D&D session to paint a fantasy mini that's been in the shame pile for some time.

I've been playing Immerel the half elven Druid in our Dark Sun-esque adventures. He originally started as a Desert Druid but circumstances of the campaign have seen him recently re-spec to the Circle of Wildfire.  This Circle allows the Druid to summon a Phoenix-like spirit which provides the summoner with a variety of amazing abilities.  

Although we are playing online and not using miniatures, I have a Phoenix familiar model from Wiz Kids which I decided to paint up to mark the occasion of Immerel's rebirth.

Sunday 14 March 2021

Dungeons and Dragons Campaign Inspiration

 Welcome back to the Vault once more! Hobby time has been pretty limited this week; I've played in the weekly 5th edition D&D game and the players have been plotting an upcoming battle (which I must blog about some time), but I really haven't felt any motivation to pick up a paint brush.

Having been a player in a regular game for almost a year has got my creative juices for D&D flowing again, and I've been toying with a few ideas for a new campaign/adventure setting. Nothing serious beyond some initial notes (a kind of mood board) at this point, but I'm thinking about committing some effort to it.

So a Dark Ages Arthurian-esque Albion campaign with plenty of opportunity to explore related mythology and influences:

  • Last vestiges of the preceding Roman-esque civilisation.
  • Invading Viking inspired Raiders/Settlers
  • Seelie and Unseelie Fey 
  • Undead from the Shadow Realm

Not a lot of originality so far, but plenty of fun and something different to the usual D&D medieval backdrop. 

Why mention this now? Having written these initial notes some time ago my recent media consumption has brought the project to the fore again. First up is the (quite frankly amazing) Valheim PC game:

Because who doesn't want to adventure in the shadow of Yggdrasil the World Tree?

Sunday 7 March 2021

Pestilential Painting: Lord of Contagion

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! Having procrastinated away from painting over the last few weeks, the bug to pick up a brush hit hard this weekend and I've got the Lord of Contagion to a state I'm pretty happy with (bar a point or two).

Sunday 28 February 2021

Pestilential Painting: Lord of Contagion Work In Progress 1

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! This week I've managed to play in the regular Friday night D&D game (I keep meaning to write a post regarding the ongoing antics of Immerel the Druid and his companions), preparing some new minis received from a Kickstarter (there's another post!), and starting to lay the base colours onto the next Death Guard model.

I've chosen to work on the Lord of Contagion, the absolutely brutal looking HQ from the Dark Imperium set.

Sunday 21 February 2021

Battle Systems Terrain Sets

 Welcome back to the Vault! Long term readers will know I am something of a wargaming terrain junkie with a varied collection of pieces ranging from scratch builds to pre-painted resin pieces. I'm always looking at cool table set ups and thinking about how I'd like to replicate them at home.

My holy grail for terrain/set up involves:

  • Easy to assemble
  • Pre-painted
  • Doesn't take much space to store

My eye had been drawn recently to Battle System's pre-printed card stock terrain sets and having expressed an interest I was gifted with a couple of sets for Christmas. One is centred around fantasy gaming and the other Sci Fi.  

First up is a Space Hulk/Under Hive arrangement:

Sunday 14 February 2021

Pestilential Painting: Whether to Weather or not?

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! My intention was to spend this week's hobby time working on the next unit of Plague Marines for the expanding Death Guard collection. This did not quite work out as expected however! I'd received a few comments on the Death Guard Rhino asking whether I intended to add any further weathering and muck to the model.

In truth I wasn't overly happy with the Rhino in the state I'd left it as it did look quite light and clean in comparison to other other couple of Death Guard vehicles I'd painted (the Blight Hauler and Plague Burst Crawler). Both of those had taken washes well with their more organic curved shapes, but I wasn't convinced just slapping a load of Argrax Earthshade over the flat panelled transport would work.

A bit of time hunting through You Tube tutorials came up with an easy to try technique; stippling the grime onto the model.


Sunday 7 February 2021

Pestilential Painting: Rhino Transport

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! I've enjoyed a couple of productive painting sessions this week and finished the last model of my Death Guard Combat Patrol project; a Rhino Troop Transport. I've had this kit lurking in my bits box for ages (a loyalist rather than spikey version) so it's needed a bit of Nurgleyfying.

Oh and apologies, I've over-exposed the photos again. Doh.

Sunday 31 January 2021

Pestilential Painting: The Plague Companies

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! This week hobby time has been spent reading through the new Death Guard Codex, and making a concerted effort to finish the Plague Burst Crawler. The Daemon Engine is now complete and I'm happy with the results.

Sunday 24 January 2021

Pestilential Painting: Plague Burst Crawler Part Two

 Welcome back to the Vectorium, and the blog's 250th post! This week's hobby time has been spent with Papa Nurgle's servants once more. I've laid down most of the base colours on the Plague Burst Crawler:


Sunday 17 January 2021

Pestilential Painting: Plague Burst Crawler Part One

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! I now have 2 units left to complete my initial 50 PL Combat Patrol; a Rhino and a Plague Burst Crawler. I've decided to tackle the Plague Burst Crawler first as I've really been looking forward to tackling this model (it's one of the reasons I decided to start a Death Guard collection in the first place).

Look at the beast; a great big slab of armour that'll grind towards the enemy whilst lobbing shells at it's cowering foes from that massive mortar! Oh and it doesn't need a crew on account of the angry Daemon bound into it. What's not to love?

Sunday 10 January 2021

The Planar Winds

Welcome to the Vault! Today's post is a new subject for the blog; 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. I've been involved in a campaign for a year or so now and really enjoying the play experience.

One of the aspects of 5th ed I like is how overt extra-planar influences have been baked into the core game; Celestials and Tieflings (extra-planar lineage species) are available for players, and Sorcerers and Warlocks have a variety of multidimensional bloodlines and patrons to choose from.

Sunday 3 January 2021

Pestilential Painting: The Second Wave

 Welcome back to the Vectorium! One of the great things about a long Christmas holiday is the opportunity to focus on a bigger hobby project or two. This year I've kept focus and painted up the second Plague Marine squad for my Death Guard Combat Patrol. I'm pretty pleased with the models and so here's a bunch of pictures documenting my efforts!

The unit is 7 models strong (that being Nurgle's number), and I've focused on spamming Plasma Guns in the squad (2 on line troopers and one on the Plague Champion).

Friday 1 January 2021

Happy New Year from the Vault

 Happy New Year everyone! This time last year I was blogging about my gaming and hobby activities during 2019; how different 2020 has been.

Lockdown and social distancing has meant there has been a lack of face to face gaming, however I've filled the void with plenty of painting and gaming/hobby activities via the wonders of the Internet.

Without the regular tournament events in the diary my painting has been driven on the basis of whim and fancy, starting with a number of fantasy models and culminating with a mini-40K Death Guard project.