Hello once again readers! A short but hopefully enjoyable post for you today as I've continued to paint some more of my UCM models in preparation for Critical Engagement 17. This time I've completed my Wolverine As.
Wrong Universe. Right Colours. |
This post was originally entitled Angry Little Bastards as I've sat here and painted them on what I suspect has been the hottest day of the year so far, whilst I would have much rather been drinking an ice cold beer somewhere! But that's how my painting tends to work; a hard deadline means I'll pick up the paint brush and crack on!
Simple paint job; AP yellow spray, Leadbelcher for the metals, and Abaddon black for the, well, black. Hit it all with Nuln Gloss to weather it (which does a nice job of black lining), and then a lick of blue for the windows.
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And it struck me that I didn't include any pictures of the Ferrum Drones in the previous post, so I'll correct that now.
Ferrum Drones. Also Annoying Little Buggers |
Including half arsed attempt at OSL. |
I'm guessing these "visors" are lights or sensors. Or canopies for *really* tiny pilots. |
Thanks for reading once again. The big two left to do; Ferrum and Phoenix. Care to take a guess as to which I'll tackle first?
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