Wednesday, 26 September 2018

The Gift: Session Three Adventure Log

Session Three begins with a number of the characters forming a small party to investigate the spectral figure and strange lights emanating from Dark Eye Tower.

The ghostly labourer seems to beckon the players to the old watch tower and as they approach a faint red glow can occasionally be seen illuminating the crumbling upper level. However, the light is not constant; it seemingly appears and disappears at random.

As the party gets closer they can see the Tower is stern square structure 3 levels high although the top two are quite dilapidated.

The party decide against climbing the crumbling walls and examine the sturdy door at the ground level. It is locked, from the outside, with a padlock. Hind examines the lock and determines by the scratches around the key hole that it has been picked before. He handily picks the lock himself and the party enter the tower.

A short corrider ends with a door to the right and second straight ahead. The door to the right leads into a long chamber, most likely the common room when the tower was manned. It has been stripped of most contents save a long common table, too large to be easily removed. Whilst searching the chamber a cunningly concealed tarpaulin, covered in rubble, is found under the table. The tarpaulin itself covers a set of supplies; a bed roll, firewood, small keg of spirits and so on. How curious!

The party move back to the corridor and on through the next door; it leads onto another chamber, with a single exit to the north and a set of stairs leading to the next level.  A faint red glow is emanating from the tower above. As the party debate their next move the mystery of the glowing light is explained; a fire beetle drawn by the noise of the characters moves down the stairs; the reddish light is coming from it's glowing antennae!

The party engage the beast in combat and soon overcome it. However the noise of the struggle attracts three more of the insects and soon a furious battle is raging. With a lack of fighters among their numbers, Juan, Hind, Misty and Nannie Ogg rely a combination of wits and magics (including summoned hounds) to defeat the beetles. The party emerge victorious from their first encounter!

Post Adventure Note: No Cade, Sloane or Goro for this session. The mysteries of the stone egg and the flappy infestation continue.

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