Monday 21 October 2024

Warsmith's Words: Traitor Guard

 Welcome back to the Vault! I've had a miserable snotty cold over the last few days so I've hunkered down in the Vault and finished off a couple of projects I've had on the go for a while. 

There's a Traitor Guard Squad plus Enforcer and Ogryn Brute to lead them. And a particularly scuffed up transport to shuttle them around the battlefield.

The models are 3D prints from Forgemaster Minis. Very crisp and a lot of fun to paint. The weapon load out on the Guard Squad isn't strictly legal but given their main job is to sit on an Objective and score primary I'm not too worried by that.

I think the load out is equivalent to the Traitor Guard Kill Team so if I ever play KT24 I've got a force good to go.

Their transport is a Dauntless Troop Transport from Culverin. I love their vehicles; the Dauntless gives me mini-Gorgon (the massive Forge World transport) vibes, and I think it looks pretty good all scuffed up and weathered. Game wise it will be used as a Rhino.

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