Sunday, 3 March 2019

Kill Team: Painting the Arena Terrain

Salutations, my fellow Kill Team Leaders! In this post we'll be visiting the latest Kill Team expansion set; Arena. 

I must confess that when this boxed set was first announced I wasn't really that interested but having watched a couple of review and play through videos on YouTube my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to jump in.

Arena is pitched as a "competitive" variation of the Kill Team game, exchanging the usual 3D terrain  for a more "board game" like experience, with fixed symmetrical board layouts to promote a more balanced play set up (in theory the terrain set up does not favour one player over the other).

Arena contains four boards (representing different Kill Zones) and a number of terrain pieces, which should be built to specific configurations. I figured getting these pieces assembled and painted would be a fun project, and playing my first Arena game on a fully painted board will be a great reward.

Let's open the doors and see what goodies we've got!

There are 10 doors in total; these have been painted using a simple Leadbelcher drybrush over a black primer. The lights are painted in my usual blue scheme.

I've used the same scheme on the two large pipe sections:

There are also two stacks of barrels; these comprise oil drums and "plasma" containers. I've stuck the barrels and crates onto some thin plasticard bases to give them a bit of extra strength/stability:

The barrels are Mechrite Red over a black primer with the detailing picked out in Leadbelcher. The Plasma containers are Leadbelcher edging over black primer whilst the plasma is a lovely bright blue (worked up from a dark blue (Macragge?) base).

There are six stacks of crates; 2 L shapes, 2 long pieces, and 2 T shapes. These have been primed with AP Army Green, followed by sloppy Elysian Green and Scar White dry brushes (a scheme I use on my Imperial Guard vehicles).

L Stacks:

Straight Stacks:

T Stacks:

Not too bad for a few hours work! And the grand finale; all the pieces arranged as per one of the mission set ups!

Next up; read the actual Arena rules then play a game! I'll post an AAR and some thoughts once that's done. As always, thanks for stopping by and reading. If you've played Arena let me know what you thought of it in the comments below.

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