Happy New Year Venturers! Whilst a lot of blogs are writing retrospectives for the outgoing year I am firmly focused on the months ahead, and the project firmly lodged in my brain is the Carcharadon Astra!
I've found some time between the various festivities and family activities to build the first group of models for the Space Sharks. Whilst I'm still firmly in the "build" stage of the project, I thought it would be fun to share some work in progress pictures.
As a reminder, this is the sort of paint scheme I'm aiming for:
First up are a couple of shots of the Jump Pack Librarian who has had a coat of Army Painter Uniform Grey primer. I'm pretty pleased with how this model is looking; there's a minor conversion on the right hand axe just to change the angle of the blades, and the head from the Deathwatch sprue looks quite cool.
Still Angry |
There is a much better view of the 3D shoulder pad in the shot below; the detail stands out very well!
Sharks for the Shark God. No wait that's not right! |
Next up are the Scouts. I'm starting with 3 squads of 5 men to fill out the requirements for a Battalion detachment; depending on how play testing goes I may add reinforcements or give these guys some toys.
The sergeants are all armed with bolters and chainswords. This isn't a combination readily supported by the standard kit, so a quick removal of a bolt pistol and swap for a bolter was required:
No un-armoured head for me thanks! |
The helmet is from Pig Iron Productions; I've had these in the bits box for ages, and these fit the scouts really well. I *think* the bolter arm on the centre model below is from the Land Speeder Storm kit; it's certainly not on the bog standard scout sprue!
Or my mates! |
And here are the regular joes:
Base coated |
And still to be sprayed! |
There's a bit of Carcharadon fluff that each Brother goes into battle with a variety of bladed weapons. Whilst it was tempting to give these guys full size Scout Combat Blades, that could get a little confusing when playing the game as Bolter/Combat Blades isn't a legal weapon load out. So each scout has received a small fruit knife courtesy of some left over Imperial Guard bits:
Stabby |
My current army list focuses around two elite units; a big unit of Vanguard Veterans to chop stuff into little pieces and a big unit of Primaris Aggressors to shoot stuff into bite sized chunks. Both units are still being built, but here are the models completed so far:
Vanguard Veterans are armed with twin Lightning Claws:
Hack! |
Slash! |
Top down view: Shoulder Pads are looking good! |
And the Primaris Aggressors:
Very big and very shooty! |
More Sharks |
This picture shows off the Mako Shark icons on the shoulder pads really nicely; they are a good fit! This was the first time I'd built one of the new Primaris kits; it was fun to put together but there aren't a lot of options in terms of posability; I think this is probably a limitation of getting a decent fit on the ammo belts.
My final picture is not related to this project but something the GW and 80s action movie fanboi in me had to have and build: Sly Marbo! Lovely, lovely sculpt and full of crisp detail; I can see Sly hitting the table tops soon.
A model so tough that Chuck Norris was made from miscasts! |
So it's been a productive holiday; plenty of scenic bases painted, models assembled and games played. I hope you've had as much hobby fun this Christmas as I have and here's looking to plenty more in 2018! See you next time Venturers!
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